Week of Prayer 2021

During this 2021 Week of Prayer we will dive deeply into these all-important messages that have Jesus Christ and His righteous-ness at their core as He seeks to bring home the necessity of uniting our lives fully and totally with Him.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a prophetic movement, raised up by God at a specific time in earth’s history to proclaim a specific message that could be given only at this time—that of the three angels of Revelation.

May the Lord bless you in a special way as you spend time with Him during this worldwide Week of Prayer.

Week of Prayer 2021 (Adventist World)

10 Days of Prayer

Welcome to Ten Days of Prayer 2019! We are so thankful that we can start this year with prayer. God has worked many miracles in past years as we have sought Him in prayer and fasting. The Holy Spirit has wrought revival, conversions, renewed passion for evangelism, and healed relationships. Truly, prayer is the birthplace of revival!

We believe your life and the lives of those you pray for will be changed as you join fellow church members in praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, whom the Father has promised to give to those who ask Him.

Our Prayer Theme: A Deeper Experience

During Ten Days of Prayer 2019, we will look at how to have a deeper, richer Christian experience. Whether new believers or longtime church members, we all need to have a fresh, daily encounter with Jesus. This series features real-life lessons, Bible promises, and encouraging Spirit of Prophecy quotes to strengthen our daily walk with Christ.

We read about the early believers: “The Corinthian believers needed a deeper experience in the things of God. They did not know fully what it meant to behold His glory and to be changed from character to character. They had seen but the first rays of the early dawn of that glory. Paul’s desire for them was that they might be filled with all the fullness of God, following on to know Him whose going forth is prepared as the morning, and continuing to learn of Him until they should come into the full noontide of a perfect gospel faith” (Acts of the Apostles, pp. 307, 308).

We pray that this prayer focus will help us develop a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus until we “come into the full noontide of a perfect gospel faith” and fully reflect His character of love.

You can download all the material for the 10 days of prayer here.