Mission Spotlight is a video resource containing 3 full-length mission reports featuring 13th Sabbath Offering projects , division overview piece and a special emphasis video.
Accompanying Mission Spotlight, you will also find a selection of 13 short stories as an option for a weekly spotlight on Adventist Mission work around the world.
The monthly full-length stories run 8 to 10 minutes and the short stories are 3 to 4 minutes long.
Ways to use the Mission Spotlight DVD
- Show mission stories during the announcement period before church begins
- Use it at prayer meetings or vespers
- Share with the junior, earliteen, and youth departments
- Let the Pathfinders use it at club meetings
- Show it to homebound members on a portable DVD player
- Loan it to the church school to connect mission with a geography class
- Lend it to members who want to see it again
- Use the DVD to inspire members to organize fundraising events for missions
- Play the DVD continuously at a fundraising activity where the proceeds will be used for missions
For the latest DVD, you can download it here:
Mission Spotlight Quarter 4 2018
Mission Spotlight Quarter 1 2019