Compagnons’ day in Verviers and the Fagnes

On November 23, the church in Verviers once again hosted the traditional day in the Fagnes, primarily aimed at Senior Companions. More than eighty people filled the church pews, praising God and taking time to discuss an important theme: what does it mean to be a Christian? Later, Jérôme Raucy…

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Autumn camps

Due to changes in school holidays, the winter camps were moved to autumn. From October 31 to November 3, two camps took place at the Hoge Rielen domain in Lichtaart. The 36 Adventurers focused on the theme of Noah’s story. Through games, evening activities, and spiritual moments, they delved into…

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Day for the elders

On 27 October, the Pole Training & Mission , under the leadership of David Carballo, organised a special day for our elders.   The aim was threefold. The first was to build team cohesion. Elders, especially when they are in a church without a pastor, can quickly feel isolated or…

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