Before the Adventist Church in 1863 officially organised itself and the name ‘Seventh-day Adventist’ chose, the ‘Sabbath School’ already existed for a couple of years. Inspired by the institute Sunday School, as existed in colonial America (in first instance only for adults), the Sabbath School emerged as the ideal medium to incease the Bible knowledge of its members and to expand the mission awareness of the participants.
The Sabbath School is still an important part of the Adventist church service. Before the main service (in which a sermon, hymns and prayer play an important part) there is an hour of Bible study. The discussion follows a Sabbath School booklet with a theme of 13 weeks. The discussion often takes place in small groups.
The Sabbath School department is part of the pole Training & Mission. Johan Delameillieure coordinates the complementary study material.
The Sabbath School booklet can be ordered in a local church with the secretary. Teh booklet is available in many different languages.
For additional study material, complementing the weekly study you can find here material in Dutch and French.