A nod to the impossible

After a month of May rich in events celebrating baptisms and the consecration of deacons and deaconesses, the Church of Liège chose to take part in Open Church Day on 1 and 2 June.

During these days, more than 500 religious associations  were invited to open their doors and host visits, exhibitions, concerts, screenings and other activities designed to make them better known.

For the occasion, the Church of Liège contacted ADRA Belgium, which gladly accepted the invitation by making its exhibition material available and moving its Food Truck on Sunday lunchtime to offer visitors a free and much appreciated vegetarian burger.

As for the program, the Sabbath morning was marked by a visit by Union President, Ruben de Abreu, who developed his message around the weekend’s theme of “Winking at the impossible”.


After a quick set-up of the exhibition, the vocal group We Trust gave a rousing gospel concert.

During these two days, an exhibition recounting the history of the Church in Belgium and more specifically in Liège was followed by a reflection on the baptistery and the mural on the podium.



Various departments were represented on the stands set up in the hall of worship. MIFEM (Women’s Ministry) on the theme “Ending violence against women” (ENDITNOW), MAE (Children’s Ministry) focusing on the spiritual education of children, and there was a place reserved for Health Prevention. The bookshop offered mainly morning meditations and books inviting people to discover the Bible.



In addition to its stand, ADRA Belgique highlighted its humanitarian vocation by displaying its exhibition grids and numerous photos of its activities around the world, particularly in Africa.

One room was reserved for showing the films “Tell the world” and “Creation, the earth is witness”, while another was dedicated to prayer.

All the Church members involved in this project appreciated the conviviality and the pleasure of working together. Nearly fifty people made contact with the church or the foodtruck over the two days. United in prayer at the end of the day, after expressing their gratitude, the members entrusted the Lord with the task of managing the harvest of what had been sown.

Michel Thomsin

Summarise of the day in a video

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